Fully Motorized Digital Microscope

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Fully Motorized Digital Microscope

Digital microscopes enable the user to capture high precision images of specimens including biological samples, insects, plants, stones, crystals, metal surfaces and much more with an astonishing level of detail, while providing many useful features not available with traditional microscopes.
Integrated fully motorized digital microscope with 12x optical zoom
Included Seiwa InSight software provides all necessary features for high precision measurements, image capture, topography, documentation and traceable report generation as required by industrial, scientific and biomedical applications.
Features include:
●  Automatic capture and generation of “super depth of field” images
●  Auto stitching function provides “Extended Field of view” imaging
●  Generation of 3D topography images of sample
●  Easily switch between several integrated illumination options

Macro Imaging

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